February 14, 2025

Tuition Benefits

The A+ Scholarship may provide up to $15,500 (subject to change) for tuition and general fees to those students who have successfully completed the program.  General fees are defined as those fees that are paid by all students (tuition, parking and activity fees). Special program fees (laboratory, uniforms, and equipment) are not included in the A+ tuition benefits.

A+ students are under no obligation to use the A+ tuition benefits. The tuition benefit is earned by each individual student and is not transferable to any other student.

  • Receipt of private scholarships will not affect an A+ participant’s eligibility for tuition benefits.
  • Financial need is not a factor in determining an A+ participant’s eligibility for A+ tuition benefits. However, an A+ participant is required to complete a FAFSA to make sure he/she is not eligible for any non-payback financial aid.
  • Participants will have up to four years from the date of their high school graduation to access their A+ tuition benefits.
  • The A+ Program may provide these educational incentives provided state funds are appropriated by the legislature. It is important that students, parents, and guardians know that they may have a greater responsibility to pay for these expenses in coming years. If implemented, students currently attending post-secondary institutions and using A+ tuition benefits would have the same restrictions.

List of Missouri Community Colleges – CLICK HERE

  • *Please note, this list may change from year to year so please verify with the financial office of the post-secondary school
  • Several 4-year colleges offer their own incentives to entering freshmen that graduate with A+ status.


It is critical to the integrity of the A+ Program that A+ participants pay strict attention to all the guidelines, rules and policies that govern the program. Some control is given to local school districts in establishing policy and administering the A+ Program. Most of the rules governing the administration of the program are found in state statue and are not subject to local amendment. The tuition benefits are not automatically bestowed on A+ participants who have successfully completed the A+ requirements. To be eligible for tuition benefits the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Graduating A+ participants who have fallen below the A+ attendance percentage requirement must complete and submit an Attendance Appeal Request form. The window for submitting this form and required documentation is April 1-25 of the year of graduation. More information on how to file an Attendance Appeal Request form is available in the A+ Office.
  • The A+ Coordinator will verify the status of each A+ participant and certify each A+ participant who is eligible for A+ tuition benefits.
  • A+ eligible graduates must inform the post-secondary institution to which they have made application of their intent to use the tuition benefits. The institution will prepare the necessary paperwork and bill the State of Missouri.
  • Upon completion and verification of your A+ status, your official high school transcript will be stamped with a seal of completion of the A+ program. When your prospective college pulls your transcript, they will see that you have been A+ certified.