February 14, 2025


To be eligible to participate in the Lee’s Summit North A+ Schools Program requires certain behaviors and attitudes. Specifically, students who participate in the A+ Schools Program must be good citizens and be judged so by the proper school authority. A student whose character or conduct is such as to discredit him/herself or his/her school is not considered a good citizen. His/her conduct shall be satisfactory in accordance with the standards of good discipline. Students who participate in the A+ Schools Program should remember not only the financial rewards, but also the individual discipline and responsibilities that come with it.

The following criteria regarding the school’s discipline policy will serve as a measurable indicator of respect for self, school, and good citizenship:

Criminal Activity: Students who are convicted of a felony will not qualify or will lose eligibility if already in the program.

Substance Abuse: Students shall not possess or use alcoholic beverages or controlled substances. Any violation (possession, use, manufacture, sale, or transportation) that results in suspension (ISS or OSS) will result in loss of eligibility for the program.

Suspensions: Effective September 2005, students will lose A+ eligibility if they accumulate fifteen (15) days of suspension (ISS or OSS) during their high school career for offenses other than alcohol, drugs, or violations of the Safe Schools Act.

Violations of Safe Schools Act: Students who are disciplined in accordance to the Safe Schools Act of 1996 will be removed from the A+ Schools Program. These violations include, but are not limited to, assault, weapons possessions, and drug distribution.