February 14, 2025

A+ Attendance Policies

  • Participants in the A+ program are expected to attend school regularly. Students must graduate with a cumulative average daily attendance (ADA) of at least 95% for grades 9-12.
  • The A+ Program makes no distinction between excused and unexcused absences.
  • Attendance is based on Monday through Friday when school is in regular session. Only the days and times, which are calculated for Average Daily Attendance (ADA), will be used to determine the 95% attendance requirement.
  • The A+ attendance policy provides for relief in cases where the absence was beyond the control of the A+ participant. A request for an attendance Appeal must be filed in accordance with the established policy guidelines. Each A+ participant should read and understand the attendance policy.
  • It is the responsibility of each A+ participant to closely monitor his/her attendance.

Attendance Appeals Guidelines

Students enrolled in the A+ Program who must file an attendance appeal will be notified via e-mail in the spring of their senior year. Filing an attendance appeal will require documentation to support absences in excess of the 5% allowed. Examples of acceptable documentation are:

  • Hospitalization — Physician Letter
  • Chronic Health Problems — Physician Letter
  • Court Appearance — Court Letter
  • Funeral — Parent Letter and copy of Death Certificate, obituary or memorial pamphlet
  • Religious Holiday — Minister Letter
  • Personal/Family Calamity — Parent and school counselor letter
  • Catastrophic Illness/Injury — Physician Letter

Attendance Waivers will NOT be granted for the following:

  • Truancy
  • Suspension
  • Personal/Family Vacation
  • Routine Doctor Visits
  • Transportation (unless late bus)

A+ attendance requirements are not to be confused with the general attendance requirement.

The A+ Schools Coordinator or Assistant shall convene a committee for consideration of the appeal. The Committee shall hear the appeal and return its decision to the student/parent. The decision of the committee will be final. The A+ Schools Appeal Committee will consist of the following individuals: Assistant Principal in charge of A+ Schools at each high school, each A+ Schools Coordinator, and the A+ Coordinator’s Assistants. The A+ Coordinator from the school at which the student is enrolled will facilitate the appeal, but will not be involved in the voting process for their schools. The assistants also do not vote however, they are in attendance to provide clarification or to answer specific questions on behalf of the committee/students or parent(s). Appeals will be considered at the end of the students senior year.