About A+
The A+ Program at Lee’s Summit North strives to ensure that students are prepared for and successful in life beyond high school.
The A+ Program works to provide students with continuous and progressive career information throughout the students’ years at Lee’s Summit North. It also focuses on ensuring that students have course offerings that prepare them for their paths after high school. And finally, the A+ Program helps to make courses rigorous and relevant to the world outside the classroom.
Graduates of designated A+ schools who successfully complete the requirements of the A+ Program may be eligible to receive reimbursement for the cost of tuition and general fees while attending a Missouri public community college or vocational/technical school on a full-time basis. The A+ Program may provide these educational incentives provided state funds are appropriated by the legislature.
The PLUS stands for financial incentives designed to aid students who wish to continue their education beyond high school and prepare for success!

Jennifer Mooney
LSN A+ Coordinator

Shannon Husted
LSN A+ Coordinator Assistant