Faculty per Program

IB Diploma Program Lee’s Summit North Faculty

Category 1: Language and Literature

IB English A1 HL, 11th & 12th

Ms. Leza Palguta 11thleza.palguta@lsr7.net

Ms. Stacy Collins 11thstacy.collins@lsr7.net

Ms. Mindy Haesemeyer 12th mindy.haesemeyer@lsr7.net

Ms. Hood-Johnson 12th andrea.hoodjohnson@lsr7.net
Category 1: Language and Literature

IB Chinese V SL 12th

IB French V SL 12th

IB German V SL 12th

IB Spanish V SL & HL 12th

Ms. Yanlan Jin Yanlan.Jin@lsr7.net

Ms. Nicole Morris nicole.morris@lsr7.net

Mr. Stefan Frank stefan.frank@lsr7.net

Ms. Kim Baer kim.baer@lsr7.net

Ms. Hannah Brizuela hannah.brizuela@lsr7.net
Category 3: Individuals and Societies

IB Business Management

IB History of the Americas HL, 11th & 12th

IB Psychology SL & HL, 11th or 12th

IB Social and Cultural Anthropology, 11th or 12th

Mr Layne Funk layne.funk@lsr7.net

Ms. Sarah Courtney 11th sarah.courtney@lsr7.net

Mrs. Kate Rowan kate.rowan@lsr7.net

Mr. Ben Jewell 12th ben.jewell@lsr7.net

Ms. Jennifer Mooney 11th jennifer.mooney@lsr7.net

Ms. Andrea Hood-Johnson 11th or 12th SL and HL andrea.hoodjohnson@lsr7.net

Mr. Eric Davis 11th or 12th SL eric.davis@lsr7.net

Mr. Eric Daviseric.davis@lsr7.net
Category 4: Experimental Sciences

IB Biology HL, 11th & 12th

IB Chemistry HL, 11th & 12th

IB Environ. Sys. & Soc. SL, 11th or 12th

IB Sports, Exercise, & Health Science, SL, 11th or 12th

Ms. Carrie Miller 11th carrie.millerperry@lsr7.net

Mr. Chris Gerding 12th chris.gerding@lsr7.net

Mr. Joey Spicer joey.spicer@lsr7.net

Mr. Chris Gerding chris.gerding@lsr7.net

Mr. Luke Williams luke.williams@lsr7.net
Category 5: Mathematics

IB Math Applications/Interpretations SL 11th or 12th

IB Mathematics Approaches & Analysis SL 11th or 12th

Dr. Robert Rossiter robert.rossiter@lsr7.net

Mrs. Jennifer Phi jennifer.phi@lsr7.net

Ms. Shauna Cecil shauna.cecil@lsr7.net
Category 6: The Arts

IB Film SL & HL, 11th or 12th

IB Music SL & HL, 11th or 12th

IB Visual Arts SL & HL , 11th or 12th

IB Theatre SL & HL, 11th or 12th

Ms. Terry Durnell terry.durnell@lsr7.net

Mr. Jonathan Krinke jonathan.krinke@lsr7.net

Ms. Rashelle Weissenbach rashelle.weissenbach@lsr7.net

Mr. William Palmer william.palmer@lsr7.net

Personal and Profession Skills
Ms. Stacy Collins stacy.collins@lsr7.net

Ms. Shelley McCain shelley.mccain@lsr7.net